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March 2012 - Nr. 3

The Junior Research Fellows of the European Union Centre of Excellence at York University will be hosting the 17th Annual Glendon International Studies Symposium at York University's Glendon College on Saturday, March 31st, 2012. The one-day conference will focus on some of Germany’s more recent political, social, and economic developments under the title Prospects and Challenges for Contemporary Germany.

Dr. Birgit Mankompf from the Berlin School of Economics and Law will be speaking on Germany’s role in the European debt crisis during the morning lecture: The Euro Crisis: Germany to the Rescue? Afternoon sessions will cover recent developments in German environmental policies and initiatives; Germany’s role in European and Transatlantic security measures; constitutional challenges with regard to security measures while preserving human dignity; and the social impact of immigrant integration policies via the German education system. A number of academics, experts and professionals who specialize in various branches of German and European studies from Germany, Canada, and the United States will be speaking at the conference. Attendance is open to the general public.

To register, visit our website at

Please send all inquiries to

European Union Centre, York University, Glendon College, Toronto, Ontario. Canada

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