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August 2011 - Nr. 8
Sybille Forster-Rentmeister, Editor-in-chief

Dear Reader

I am feeling somewhat nostalgic .We are having only one month of full summer ahead and people around me are starting to speak of the coming fall! The first promotions for events typical for that season are coming in, notices of folks that have left us for good are abounding, the last picnics are announced, back to school data emerges…. And the list goes on, all items signifying the end of summer.

I find that depressing to the extreme. Thus, outside of the work environment I have given orders not to visit that subject in any shape or form until it is actually upon us. I do not want to hear it or see it until it becomes so self-apparent that is unavoidable. I chose to live in a delusional state until then! And when it starts to be actually evident I shall fight it with everything I got and make summer last as much as possible. I still plant a few new summer flowers now as though it is the beginning and not the end of the season.

Longpoint, Lake ErieWhen we sit in my garden in the morning for breakfast we also feed the birds and the squirrels. We live in a well established neighborhood that has quite a few big old trees and wildlife abounds in these monumental structures. Their canopies are not too dense, thus a bit of sunlight always dances through the branches, also allowing for a breeze to waft through the garden. We forget that we are in the middle of a metropolis and think instead that we are living outside the city.

Since we are early birds and the neighbors tend to sleep in late, especially during vacations and weekends we appear to have it all to ourselves. Summer creates an oasis around our house, since we are often even alone at home, while friends and the neighbors are at the cottage or vacationing elsewhere. This year unfortunately some have fallen ill, and we wish them a speedy recovery. When we have enough of the city we escape for a day to Lake Erie for some big water, big horizon, wind, sand and lots of gulls. Of course we go during the week, when the beaches are much emptier than on the weekend. Sitting on a dune with a steady wind blowing off the lake, an easy read and some good food for picnicking make for an amazing change from city life.

We cannot go longer than a day because of our 4 cats. I know, cats can last a couple of days without someone being there, but only if they coexist in peace. We have one that is a fighter and another which is food envious. These situations need to be monitored.

When in the city weekend picnics of the clubs and improvised lunches with friends make for pleasant diversions. And if we want music, well this summer the city offers more concerts than ever before. I do not attend all picnics, but someone from Echo Germanica usually does, as happened at the Burgenlaender Picnic, from whence the front page was shot during the open air mass. The Remembrance Society’s Picnic we could not attend at all, even though we wanted to. The invite arrived too late due to the cursed mail strike.

So, let us all enjoy summer to the fullest, until it really has disappeared. In the meantime: Pschhhhhst! Not a word!

Sybille Forster-Rentmeister

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As the editor of Echo Germanica Sybille reflects on cultural, artistic, political and daily events within the German-Canadian landscape.

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