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November 2000 - Nr. 11


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Ham Se det jehört?
High-Speed Rail

Germany and U.S. sign High-Speed Rail Agreement

    TWIG - The Transrapid, the magnetic levitation train developed by a consortium of German companies, could be getting a lift from a new cooperation agreement between Berlin and Washington. Federal Transportation Minister Reinhard Klimmt and his American counterpart Rodney Slater signed an agreement Tuesday night (October 10) on governmental cooperation in magnetic propulsion rail technology. The U.S. government is interested in helping finance the construction of a high-speed rail link and is currently reviewing a half dozen possibilities proposed by state governments. Transrapid International is hoping to participate in the construction of the proposed link, and officials for the consortium said Wednesday (October 11) they believe the new agreement will help open the way for bringing Transpraid to the U.S.

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