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Proclamation to the
by Illinois' Governor George H. RyanWHEREAS, on the eleventh second, of the eleventh minute, of the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, the K.G. Rheinischer Verein Chicago, German Mardi Gras Society, will celebrate its 111th anniversary season, 2000-2001, with the crowning of the new Prince and Princess of Karneval; and WHEREAS, the Karneval, which is most prevalent around the beautiful Rhineland in the heart of Germany, has long been a tradition observed for hundreds of years in all parts of Germany; and WHEREAS, each year the K.G. Rheinischer Verein elects a Prince, and the Prince in turn selects a Princess to represent the club and the City of Chicago and head the fun and frivolity; and WHEREAS, this season’s Prince, Prinz Cornel I, and his lovely Princess, Prinzessin Sonja I, are the youngest Prinzessen Paar to represent the Rheinischer Verein; and WHEREAS, Cornel Erdbeer, first generation American born in Chicago, has long been associated with the German community, and since the age of three, has sang with the Deutsch Amerikanischer Kinderchor (German American Children’s Chorus). He later became President of Jungendchor (Youth Chorus), a page for three different Princes, and is currently celebrating his eleventh year as a member of the RV Fanfaren Corps (Drum and Bugle Corps); and WHEREAS, in his private life, Cornel has received degrees from Illinois State University, Harrington Institute of Interior Design, and spent one summer studying business in Paderborn, Germany. He is currently the sixth generation and President of his family’s business, Ludwig Interiors; and WHEREAS, Sonja Meisen, his beautiful princess, also first generation born in America was introduced to the K.G. Rheinischer Verein at a very early age, and after being a page for her parents, she danced for four years with the R.V. Amazonen Corps. She is the daughter of the 100th Anniversary Prinzenpaar, Ex-Prinz Johannes I and Ex-Prinzessin Erika II, and is the first Prinzessin following in her parent’s footsteps; and WHEREAS, on February 17, 2001, the Prince and Princess will preside over the Maskenball (Masquerade Ball) at the Rosemont Convention Center, and on February 26, 2001, they will preside over the Rosenmontag (Rose Monday) at the D.A.N.K. House and the 111th Anniversary Banquet at the Rosemont Convention Center; THEREFORE, I, George H. Ryan, Governor of the State of Illinois, proclaim November 11, 2000, as GERMAN CARNIVAL DAY in Illinois.
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