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July 2002 - Nr. 7


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- Deutsche Sprachschule Concordia -

article and photos by Herwig Wandschneider

Herwig Wandschneider

Das Motto dieser Schule „Deutsch macht Spaß" reflektiert die Energie und den ideenreichen Unterricht, wie auch die Abschlussfeier energiereich von der Bühne lief. Und wenn ich mich an meine Schulzeit und die Deutschstunden erinnere, dann war das alles Andere, aber nicht Spaß. Naja, ich müßte ja jetzt wahrlich wieder einmal hin, besonders um die „neuen" Regeln (1998) überhaupt einmal kennenzulernen. Wenn Sie Internet-Anschluss haben, und sich noch nicht darum gekümmert haben, sehen Sie doch einmal in die Seiten vom Duden unter folgender URL http://www.duden.de

Ich habe nur mal so zum Spaß eine Samstag Erwachsenen-Klasse mitgemacht und habe mich doch schwer wundern müssen, was die Erwachsenen Studenten alles gelernt hatten. Sie konnten sogar mein Deutsch verstehen, welches ich ja etliche Jahre auf natürliche Art und Weise, gewissermaßen durch die Muttermilch, eingenommen hatte, aber jetzt doch ein wenig verrostet ist.

Aber nun zur Abschlussfeier.

Children's Choir (German Language School Concordia) under the direction of Angelika WernerThe annual graduation ceremonies were held on June 7 in the „Halle" at the Concordia Club, beginning at about 6:30 pm.


Karen Acton, Vice-Principal, and Monika Matthaes, Principal  [Photo: Herwig Wandschneider]The long list of Diplomas, Certificates, awards and special awards together with speeches by School Management and Council as well as dignitaries from Toronto promised to make it a long evening. Yet surprisingly the combination of a very efficient presentation process, mixed with entertainment by the choir, a special German rock rythmic presentation, a German word-competition by all participants dreamed up by Ursel Kampmann and her Advanced Adult Class, the concluding song, and coffee and cake made the evening so enjoyable, it seemed like it was over in a flash.

But it was not just the flawless organization that made it work. There was dynamic creative energy in the air. As in rare commercial companies, there was this air of dedication to the cause, the honest belief in the value of what they were doing, that so rarely exists at the top and then filters all the way through the system. The students and even the children in the choir (I just love that song "Oma liebt Opapa") reflected this spirit that eminated right from the top - from Principal Monika Matthaes and Vice Principal Karen Acton – through to the teachers and the students. What that means is indeed that „Deutsch macht Spaß" at this school.

The evidence was right there in the accomplishments of the students. Awards ranged from consistent long-term attendance at Saturday classes to the best of the best students in Regional, Provincial, and Canada-wide competitions.

The „Teacher’s Award" for attending the German School every single Saturday morning for 13 years without fail went to Melissa Jasbar. Surely the parents have earned their fair share in this award as well. Hier nehme ich meinen Hut ab für Melissa und die ganze Familie. If that does not reflect persistence and that „Deutsch macht Spaß", what does?

Advanced Adult Class - Ursel Kampmann (top), teacher, - below: Neil McManus, Wendy Czaka-Mah, Pat Aplevich & Roch CourtenayThere were other awards for 100% attendance, most improved student, different categories for "German Stream", "English Stream" and "English - University Bound", Graduates and Undergraduates, too many to mention. But the fact that students of this school excelled in awards in Regional and Provincial competitions, and even received one of only two awards presented by the Bundesrepublik in Canada in a Creative Writing Contest, reflects not only on the students, but also on the quality of the school.

Prize Winners of the Waterloo County German Contest  [Photo: Herwig Wandschneider]In the Waterloo County German Contest Group 1, Sarah Allmendinger, Jennifer Krebs, Anna Nowak, Jennifer Beckerman, Christina Schmidt, and Margaret Smerd placed 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th respectively. In Group 3 Maren Gamble placed 6th.

In the Provincial Contest Jennifer Krebs again placed 2nd and as if that was not enough, she also won one of the only two awards in Canada in the Creative Writing Contest. This latter award was presented to Jennifer on behalf of the Bundesrepublik by the German Consul General, Dr. Ulrich Hochschild. With this award came the prize of a four-week, all expenses paid, trip to Germany. Well deserved, Jennifer, enjoy every minute of this trip!

Sure "Deutsch macht Spaß" and the Abschlussfeier proved the point. But it also reflected the competence of teaching and a professional attitude towards the learning process. It is for these latter reasons that the school is recognized by the School Board and that certificates from this school provide credits as part of the official Provincial School curriculum, including OAC credits.

To be sure, congratulations belong first and above all to the students. But more than just honourable mention also goes to the school and the parents, who animate and encourage their offspring to learn that additional language in a professional environment - mit Spaß. We have what it takes – right here in K-W.

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