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December, 2004 - Nr. 12


The Editor
Santa's Gift
Knecht Kaufrecht
Vorsicht Satire!
Toronto Connection
Drummer of Different Beat
From The Locker Room
Dear Mom
Music Transport
Remembrance in Kitchener
K-W & Beyond
KWS's New Board
Dick reports...
Narrenzunft Karneval
Sybille reports
Ham Se det jehört?
Health Newsletter
Winter Magic
COC's La Boheme
First Night Toronto
German TV
LaserIce Fest
Pearls of Passion
Toronto Labour Council

Santa’s Gift

Let me tell you what I saw
last week in our town.
Santa wore with his red suit
a really serious frown!
As he rode down the Avenue
on a mega motor-sleigh-
I counted reindeers- only two
and a pile of hey.
And Rudolph was missing,
or so they say.
I saw that he had lots of gifts,
I saw that he was plenty worried,
and suddenly got pretty hurried.
He wanted this parade to stop!
He wanted to go home hophop!

So here the man is in our town
with a really serious frown…
What makes our Santa worried so,
that he forgets to Hohoho?
Don’t we know it, can we guess?
Can we get him to confess?
Did he forget the goodies listed?
Did we not ask, instead insisted?
What does he think of all the cookies
he will find in all the nookies?
When he delivers our stuff
is he in a real hurry
or is he mad or is he sorry,
that no one ever thinks of HIM,
or gives him chocolate in a tin.
Its always cookies, and is milk,
it never is a bail of silk,
or roasted leg of Butterfly!
That is surely reason why
I saw him frown that afternoon
and singing quite another tune.
No Hohos, and no hallo,
I think he’s sad, hmmhmm soso…

I will make a gift for HIM ,
I will make him a surprise.
I think it is a real shame,
that my excuses are so lame.
I change my ways from now on in
and tell my friends and all my kin:
Make Santa happy, make him grin,
give him a present in a tin.
And tie a pretty coloured bow!
He will smile not frown like SO…
On Christmas Day he’ll come and go
with a happy Hohoho.

Sybille December 2004


Copyright ©2004 Sybille Forster-Rentmeister

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