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To Echo Germanica Homepage
April 2001 - Nr. 4


The Editor
Glaubt es kaum
Hier O.K. Berlin!
Michael Schade
Deutsches Theater
Views & Reviews
Down On The Town
Dick reports...
Sybille reports
Ham Se det jehört?
Total Health
Toronto Operetta
100th Dietrich
Wagner Festival
Andreas Gursky
In Brief
Reading Era
Auto City
English: No
Exiled Writer
Trojan Horse
USable Ideas

German Foundation Looking for ‘USable’ Ideas


TWIG - Germany’s social market system could take a cue, a leading foundation believes, from the New World tradition of neighbours lending one another a helping hand. With the competition USable, the Hamburg-based Koerber Foundation wants to make American volunteer programs better known in Germany. Germans are being invited to submit unpublished essays explaining projects in the United States that might stimulate new thinking about social problems in Germany and, conversely, Americans may submit essays on the subject of civic engagement in Germany. A German-American jury will be awarding a total of 30,000 euros (U.S. $27,000) in prize money to the best entries. For more information (in both German and English), go to www.usable.de . ( contest )

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