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April 2001 - Nr. 4


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Total Health 2001

Another successful event for the hosts - Consumer Health Organization of Canada - on the 17th & 18th of March of this year. More booths, more speakers and more visitors than last year. Toronto is taking health seriously. Not health via allopathic medicine but the holistic approach to health care. People are becoming more aware of alternatives to stay healthy without pharmacology and all their unpleasant side effects being part of their lives.

Dr. Robert Cohen (Total Health Show)Some of the speakers brought this home in their well-attended lectures. Dr. Robert Cohen, who holds a degree in psychoneuroendocrinology, for example explained that he became very concerned about the most controversial drug approval by the FDA (US Federal Drug Administration) in history, the genetically engineered hormone (BGH) that is now in the US milk supply. During his investigation into BGH, Dr. Cohen discovered that milk is implicated in causing breast cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease and chronic childhood illnesses. Cohen founded and is executive director of America’s Dairy Education Board, a group of nationally prominent doctors dedicated to dispelling the myth that milk is nature’s perfect food.

Dr. Joel Wallach (Total Health Show)Others, like Dr. Joel Wallach - who started out as a veterinarian before he made his MD – warned of the lack of trace-minerals in our nutrition today. There are about 60 essential trace minerals required to keep you healthy and assure longevity. Some are: Selenium – to prevent heart problems and cystic fibrosis, Copper – to keep tissue and veins elastic and prevent aneurysms and strokes, and many, many others. His tape "Dead Doctors Don’t Lie" is world famous and there are about 40.000.000 of them in circulation, worldwide. This is also the title of his best selling book.

He says, " You can not get everything your body needs from the four food groups! You must supplement with all 90 essential nutrients if you expect to be free of disease and want to live a long life." Through his own veterinarian and biomedical research, Dr. Wallach knows our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than upon calories or vitamins, or upon the proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume. He believes we can all live to be over 120 years of age in good health if we give ourselves the proper nutrients (all 90 essential nutrients including plant derived colloidal minerals, vitamins and amino acids).

Dr. Leonard Horowitz (Total Health Show)Another very interesting speaker was Dr. Len Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH from Idaho who revealed some very frightening details of "emerging" viruses, that are emerging from labs of international pharmaceutical companies and why. A Harvard graduate Len Horowitz is an independent investigator, and an internationally known authority on public health education and has authored over 120 articles and 11 books including the best-seller "Emerging viruses: AIDS & Ebola; Nature, Accident or Intentional?" His first lecture was entitled "Death in the Air; Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare – A New Age of Health Risks and Strategies for Survival". Dr. Horowitz discerns fact from fiction in the realm of the military-medical-industrial complex and their mind-controlling propaganda to help you perceive and avoid the risks necessary to survive. He explains population control and Malthusian ecogenocide, ongoing in North America today through toxic chemical and biological exposures including new man-made viruses, contaminated vaccines and tainted blood supplies.

His second lecture’s theme was: "Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse". This was probably the most spiritually uplifting session at this conference.

All the lectures were taped and about 45 tapes will be available at the Consumer Health Organization, in Toronto.

The exhibition hall was always very crowded and interested customers beleaguered almost every booth. It is too much to describe everything here, such as water filters, vitamins, minerals, herbs, algae, iridology, crystals, books, videos, breads etc. and I can only urge the readers to attend it next year. Of course there were also products there of marginal merit but there was also a booth where a lady sold apples (!). " An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is an old saying. Maybe she knows more than we do.

You could find anything from Bioplasmic Generators and Bioplasmic Magnetic Pulsers that electronically bust parasites and bacteria (endorsed by Dr. Hulda Clark) to Super Oxygenation, Health Clinics and Chinese Medicine. A plethora of things the various sellers claim to be good, or the best, for you: Tips for avoiding EMF Exposure, the benefits of Acupuncture, Ageing, the Chi Machine that really shakes you up, and so much more. Try not to miss it next year - at about the middle of March again. ( Health )


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