Germany Leads List of European Strong-Growth Companies |
TWIG - Nearly a quarter of Europe’s fastest growing companies call Germany home. The Munich-based business association GrowthPlus examined the performance of 1,600 European companies and ranked their growth on the basis of job creation, revenues, profitability and entrepreneurial engagement. Of the 500 strongest growth firms, 113 are German, GrowthPlus head Martin Schoeller reported Wednesday (June 6). Boom industries such as information technology and telecommunications were heavily represented in the top 500, but companies in more traditional fields also made a strong showing. Kamps AG, a bakery chain headquartered in Düsseldorf, placed fourth on GrowthPlus’s list, for example. On average, the 113 German firms on the list have been increasing their turnover by 26 percent annually, and together they created roughly 66,000 new jobs between 1995 and 2000.
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