Garden Party Extravaganza |
One of the most impressive and prestigious social events of the year took place on August 18th. When the large wrought iron gate in King City opened at one o’clock the first visitors arrived at the estate of Josef Stritzl. The beauty of the large property and the way it had been prepared for the party amazed those guests that had never been to this annual affair. A huge yellow and white tent was set up on the manicured lawn complete with tables and chairs – especially important in case of bad weather. White tables with umbrellas and chairs were scattered over the rest of the property. Wonderful German music wafted over the area to make the guests feel at home even before the band started to play. Since this is an annual affair a stage and dance floor had been constructed as a permanent fixture near the front of the new modern manor that Joe and Maria had moved into a couple of years ago. The house is an architectural marvel and garnered much admiration. The guests arrived from near and far. A busload of 52 arrived from Kitchener and another bus with 59 guests came from New York. Both were greeted by the Mariachi band – aided by Matt Lebar and Peter Beck and host Joe Stritzl, at the parking lot. They were then serenaded as they walked up to the party area. About 820 guests attended the party – counting was too difficult; those that tried gave up after about 400. When Joe and Maria call everyone responds. This year was especially important since Crown Food Service Equipment celebrates its 20th anniversary. Wonderful entertainment was procured. The wandering, original Mariachi Band mentioned before, strolled among the tables – at times accompanied by Matt Lebar and Peter Beck – whose band provided dance music the rest of the day. Rudi Ecker, especially flown in from Germany, and his soft bass voice entertained with maritime songs (Seemannslieder) that everyone knew. Many of the guests felt the urge to sing along.
The ever-popular Manni Daum entertained with "Volksmusik" and great personal charm to the delight of the guests and an Elvis Presley imitator did his best to look and sound like the king. That brought back a lot of memories. A rendition by Joe’s daughter Kim Esty of her chart-favourite "Squeezetoy", as well as some of her other songs, like "Dancing alone", turned out to be the highlight of the day and won her raving applause. Wines (red and white), beers (local and imported) and soft drinks were freely available for everyone and Lein’s Delicatessen catered the food: traditional party platters in the afternoon and sausages and hamburgers at the beginning of the evening. The weather held out, although it looked like rain all afternoon. The overcast sky gave respite from the hot sun, which peaked frequently through the cloud cover.
The Stritzl summer gathering is an opportunity to talk and reminisce, meet new friends, and renew old acquaintances. It was a great party thanks to Joe and Maria Stritzl and their famous style and generosity. (See also our report on Crown Food Service Equipment!) Dick Altermann |
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