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Dear Readers |
by Sascha Lutz
My name is Sascha Lutz born in 1968 and raised in Göppingen near Stuttgart and live since November 1994 in the City of Toronto. My occupation (Canadian Tour & Event Company/ Mokassin Tours LTD.) is organizing sightseeing tours for overseas tourists in Ontario and organizing special events such as company functions, concerts, the "Toronto Christmas Market" and more. Speaking of the "Toronto Christmas Market" (Was organized from the Canadian Tour & Event Company in partnership with the Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Toronto), it has come to my surprising and pleasant attention that there are many more young German’s and German speaking people in the City than I thought. I hardly had much contact to my generation on the German side in Toronto simply because I thought they are not here. This all changed when I met many German’s and German speaking people at the Christmas Market in Toronto and when the Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce started with the initiative the "Young Ones". You can register with the "Young Ones" at the German Chambers web site @ www.germanchamber.ca Since I am a great friend of good old traditions I thought it can not hurt to take the opportunity and organize some events for some German speaking groups and German tradition interested groups (old & young) in Toronto. If you, your family and your friends (They don’t need to speak German) would like to know more about these events than check our little web page @ www.members.tripod.com/saschalutz for info, event calendar and more. I was very excited when I was asked to write some articles in the near future in the "Echo Germanica". I hope we can get many information and feed back from many readers, and I would appreciate if some of you would pick up the phone and call me @ 416-596-7607 or e-mail me: info@cte-company.com if you have some requests or some suggestions in any matter that could meet your or anyone else’s interest. As you probably already realized, I am not a writer of trade and ask therefore for your understanding, but I sure hope to make a little difference in our community by turning to you and work together with you on various issues we might all have. At last I want to give you my favourite joke of this month in German: Bill Gates besichtigt den Rohbau seines 50-Mio.-Dollar-Hauses.Bei der Inspektion der Netzwerkinstallation stürzt er 20 Meter tief in einen Kabelschacht. Um Mitternacht betritt ein Geist die Intensivstation: "Ich habe zwei Nachrichten für sie, Herr Gates, eine gute und eine schlechte." - "Zuerst die gute", bittet Bill Gates. "Wir haben im Himmel alle PCs auf Windows 98 umgestellt." "Toll, und wie lautet die schlechte Nachricht?" "Wir haben jede Menge Probleme, und ich nehme sie jetzt mit zum Troubleshooting." Take care, |
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