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September 2003 - Nr. 9


The Editor
Antje berichtet
Elizabeth Kuehn
Dear Mom
Rachel Seilern
Over the Fence
Music Toronto
25 Years Musik
KW and Beyond
City Elections
Top Honor in Venice?
Toronto Film Festival
Mustard Festival
Dick reports...
Sybille reports
Ham Se det jehört?
Financial Advice
The White Wale
Planet in Focus
After the Flood
Sahara-Touristen frei
Berlin Wall
Comics Fair
Rediscover East Germany
Literary "Wunderkind"
350 Years of Opera
"German Trilogy"
New Element

Summer pleasures

  A stay at the beach of Lake ErieActually, there were not so many for us this year. We were very busy with several work related projects and only made it twice to our beloved Lake Erie beach. The second time we were caught up in the blackout. Our motel had no private generator. So we drove to Simcoe, which, we heard on the car radio, had no problems whatsoever!

I enjoyed my annual steak dinner with all the trimmings, while Rolf sat in the car, suffering from food poisoning, contracted in the morning at a restaurant breakfast. At least there was light and food and, most important of all: gas!

After a trip to the drugstore for emergency rations like chips, flashlight and batteries, water and such we made our way back to the motel on Long Point to await further news. Being eaten by mosquitoes we sat outside (I am either courageous or stupid, but I am not afraid of contracting West Nile, probably am immune to it from having lived in Europe so long, where the virus has resided for a long time) and looked into the incredible night sky to discover Mars and the comet shower that was promised. And sure enough: here and there we could see a quick streaking of light, sometimes several together, flickering over the darkened firmament. Other hotel guests shared some stories, cigarettes and drinks. It was not bad at all, only just a little too hot without the fan. Luckily the electricity came on very early in the morning and gave some relief. But hot water was still not available, because one inconsiderate guest had left it running and then drove off to go home in the middle of the night, which left everyone without hot water for some time.

Notable in this story is that it only takes one individual to make life less good for others around him. By that token it is also always or usually just one individual who can give a whole group a bad name. Even nations function on the principle of a very small percentile in the single digit category. And if such individuals are given any power whatsoever they will strife to destroy what others create, build up or preserve.

But never mind the philosophy, I was going to tell you about our summer happenings of which there were not many, but a couple of visits to the estate of the Forget-me-not clan were like a short trip to Eden.

Hansa Club Picnic

Seeking shadeAnother gathering was typical for our summers, the picnic on the grounds of the German Canadian Club Hansa. For years there were not that many people present! It was truly amazing how many came! I do not think that the club was expecting such an onslaught of folks.

And the music played

The Wegners and a friendLou Wegner and his wife Lilo were there even though it was Lou’s 74th birthday. He sported fashionable shorts, showing off his very fit ski legs. Keep on skiing, Lou!

Mini-fashion showRegina was there with her fashion display, and as you can see in one of the photos, found admirers and buyers. And past president Henry Bunge turned up.

Past President Bunge pays a visit

"What will it be?"In the food department there were a few technical wrinkles to iron out, like how to work some of these very ancient B-B-Qs; but the potato salad was fantabulous!


Child's playHi, everyone!





Sybille with Lou Wegner (l.) and Henry Bunge (r.)Other than that I have not much to report about my short summer. I did appreciate that it was not as hot as last year. This helps tremendously when one has to work. I can always go out into my beautiful garden for breakfast, lunch or dinner. And we still do even though the air is nippy in the morning and at night.

See you around during our glorious fall.

Sybille Forster-Rentmeister


Comments to: sfr@echoworld.com

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