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 November 2009 - Nr. 11

OTTAWA – Today on the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff made the following statement:

"For forty-five years, Berlin was separated by a wall that split families and countrymen in two, a physical barrier that symbolized the front lines of the Cold War between two Europes - one free and democratic, the other brutalized by communist oppression.

"The flood of people arriving at Checkpoint Charlie and other border crossings that night in 1989 was the final push in an autumn of peaceful demonstrations where calls for reforms and press freedom gave way to a bloodless revolution.

"The fall of the Berlin Wall not only reunified Germany, but sparked a chain of events that saw communism throughout Europe crumble.  The expansion of the European Union has since brought new prosperity to Eastern Europe, while NATO’s growing membership has extended security and stability throughout the region. Continued progress in embracing the nascent democracies in Eastern Europe into our western institutions is our best guarantee that Europe will never again be a continent divided.

"Today we pay tribute to the German people, who have become a leading nation at the heart of a unified Europe where peace, democracy, human rights, and free markets are erasing the divisions of the past.

"We also recognize how the joy of that night was followed by the challenge of bringing together a people who were changed by totalitarianism.  While that task is not yet complete, today we reflect on the achievements of the past twenty years in the hopes that the Berlin Wall becomes an ever more distant memory."


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