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 December 2009 - Nr. 12

Merry Christmas and the best of Seasons from Echo Germanica

Irena Syrokomla

Stuff Happens by David Hare at The Royal Alexandra Theatre

"Stuff happens and it’s untidy, and freedom’s untidy, and free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things"
Donald Rumsfeld, April 11, 2003.

The title of this history play comes from Rumsfeld’s response at the beginning of the Iraq War to the looting in Baghdad. It is an authentic quotation, as most of the dialogues in the play are. David Hare, the British playwright, is experienced in writing historical plays and this one - staged for the second time in Canada – has been first produced in London, England in 2004. At that time it was the beginning of the war and many things have not occurred yet. But the grasp of the internal politics and the individuals involved in it is already there. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice are the main characters. The stage is bare, furnished only with office chairs. Dignitaries are coming in and out, current issues are to be discussed and resolved, decisions made, the US interests protected. Most of the dialogues are true quotations from the speeches, interviews and official statements. Only some commentaries or more casual conversations are written up by David Hare.

The audience holds its breath through most of the play. It is so recent, so memorable and still unfinished. Some quotations bring out nervous laughter; we all know what happened afterwards and what kind of people the main characters are. It is an astounding play, so much needed in our current days, the play that is still going on. David Fox as Donald Rumsfeld is exceptional in his imitation of mannerisms and speech patterns of Secretary of Defence, Nigel Shawn Williams as Colin Powell truly memorable and Karen Robinson as Condoleezza Rice really convincing. Michael Healey as George W. Bush could be more convincing, but altogether the play is great.

It was a real experience to see it, the theatre was packed and the audience totally focused. It is running at The Royal Alex till December 23rd.

Tickets can be obtained by calling 416-872-1212 or by visiting

Have a good Christmas!

Email to Irena Syrokomla
Irena Syrokomla reviews arts, entertainment, the performing arts such as theatre, musicals, stage performances.

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