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 May 2010 - Nr. 5


Toni Baumann announces AbbamaniaThe Danube Swabian Club has long made it its business to come up with interesting fundraising ideas that serve as entertainment. Last year we delighted in a group that imitated the Beatles admiringly well. This year we could revel in Abba Mania in a packed house.

Abbamania at the Danube Swabian Club
Abbamania Abbamania
Abbamania Abbamania
Abbamania Abbamania
Abbamania Abbamania

There are a few groups out there imitating the original and this one was pretty good indeed. Imitation is the sincerest form of admiration, a mega compliment, or so it has been said. If that is true then this group of musicians is paying the original Abba group one heck of a compliment.

Abbamania continued Abbamania
Abbamania Abbamania
Abbamania Abbamania
Abbamania Abbamania

While not everyone attending thought this was music for old people, I could not disagree more. The “old” people practically threw away their crutches, or would have if they had any, just listening and reminiscing to the old familiar tunes that we already relived with the stage musical as well as the movie. I certainly felt like doing so.

The audience
The audience
The audience
The audience
The audience

The performers looked amazingly like the originals and sounded also very much like them. They even managed some of the typical behavior we remember very well. There was not a song that we did not know or could not sing along. The mood already fabulous after a delicious dinner only intensified. Ahhhh, those were the days…I whistled all the way home! I think we need more such evenings.

Until next time

Sybille Forster-Rentmeister


Email to Sybille Forster-Rentmeister
Sybille reports as a German-Canadian about culture, arts, entertainment, community events from her unique perspective as an artist.

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