Austrian Gala in Toronto |
Annually we have in our Toronto community a couple of noteworthy balls. They are considered the social events of the season. One is the German Ball in the fall, and the other the Austrian Ball in February. Putting on one's finest in evening wear and arriving at the Delta Chelsea Inn downtown has become a tradition for the Austrian community. This year fewer than ever chose to participate, for reasons not yet known. But it has become clear that since last year the hospitality industry has experienced a reported downturn in all its endeavours. That did not keep those who arrived from having a marvellous time. From the moment one reached the location upstairs from the lobby and met with animated conversation, checked in the coat and reached for that first glass of Schlumberger Champagne, right through the evening, the mood was festive. As Ambassador Dr. Ettmayer stated in his welcoming address, this ball is to get together with other Austrians and those that enjoy socializing the way Austrians like it. Good food and drink are major components of that sentiment and it can be said that the food was indeed well chosen and prepared.
Music is of course of major importance for an Austrian affair to be made of the right stuff. During dinner talented members of Tafelmusik played for everyone’s enjoyment. For the dancing part Matt Lebar and his band took over as usual. The dance floor was always in good use. If the venue would have been fully booked dancing might not have been so pleasant. Space definitely accounts for half the pleasure in dancing. Midnight invited the guests to a traditional Goulash Soup and there was a prize give-away of course. The main draw, 2 tickets to Vienna through Austrian airlines, went to Silvia (Sissi) Fichtl, whom many remember from the Deutsche Theater Toronto, where she played many parts.
All in all a great evening with all the accustomed little Austrian touches, including a lovely gift from Swarowsky for the ladies. SFR.
The Canadian Austrian Society of Toronto gratefully acknowledges the support of the following Sponsors:
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