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 March 2009 - Nr. 3
Dr William Macrae, February 26/27 Concert Remarks

Ladies and gentlemen, let me begin by saying that the tumultuous economic times we are currently experiencing, have been caused essentially by things not appearing as they were. Let me explain. I have two pieces of paper: one represents a sub-prime mortgage, another an asset-backed commercial paper. Both these originated with great promise, hope and value. Now, each is worth substantially less with the associated broken dreams, decimated holdings and a future in doubt.

I have a third piece of paper. it is a musical score; actually the one composed by Josef Suk in 1896, and played so expertly tonight by our chamber orchestra. This score, this piece of paper is the same as it was when it was composed and will be one hundred years from now. This score is unretouched, authentic, and not leveraged. Also, it has the power to enlighten, give joy and provide beauty as it did in 1896, tonight and in the future. In other words it continually produces dividends.

While it has power, it does not exist in a vacuum. It is a template which becomes alive when played, especially when played magnificently such as you have just heard. This group led by Mayumi Seiler, is an ensemble of immensely talented, dedicated professionals from around the world who, as an added bonus to the audience, happen to be also young and attractive!!

This ensemble produces magic from the world’s finest music. The music may be old or new, may be traditional or contemporary. It may be harmonic or sometimes discordant it is sometimes soothing, sometimes experimental and challenging. The music is never dull and it is always enjoyable, beautiful and inspiring. Whatever music is played is neither amplified nor devalued. There are no strobe lights or fireworks on the stage. Those special effects happen naturally when good music, played well, strikes the heart.

Chamber music is meant to be intimate; the setting here in the Gould is a perfect venue for our group. Via Salzburg has been playing beautiful music here for the past ten years. It has been my classical music fix for the duration, having attended every concert.


‘There are no string orchestra bailouts’ like the big banks. Vial Salzburg, like the music, does not exist in a vacuum. It requires my and your support. It is a fact that with some exceptions, most classical musicians have an income level that ranges from destitution all the way up to those who are most successful and fortunate, who may reach and sometimes exceed the poverty line!!

In these difficult and anxious times we hear "cutbacks", "only the essentials", "culture on the back burner". But culture is good for the soul. It is true and timeless. It never gives false hope or empty promises. Culture is the real thing; what appears is reality and in so doing can provide great joy and inner peace.


In conclusion, I had three pieces of paper - three different options. My choice is clear.

I believe that Via Salzburg is a good investment!

Email to Sybille Forster-Rentmeister
Sybille reports as a German-Canadian about culture, arts, entertainment, community events from her unique perspective as an artist

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