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 May 2009 - Nr. 5

The Easter BunnyThe Germania Club Hamilton organized a Easter Egg Hunt in the Germania Park on Lake Niapenko on the outskirts of Hamilton. Over four hundred Easter eggs were hidden by the Easter Bunny in the nearby woods for the 40 children who were registered for the event.


Easter Egg Hunt at Germania Park [photo: Germania Club]

Easter egg hunt at Germania Club

...and the children found all the eggsAfter the children had their baskets loaded with colourful eggs there were hot dogs and other grilled specialties available from the bar-b-q. And of course coffee and cake was there for the many parents and grandparents who had come to be part of the excitement.

The children could colour eggs and participate in a colouring contest.

The Clubhaus TrioThere was the Clubhaus Trio playing in the pavilion and two "Little Angels" as they are called on the Christmas programs, Erika and her sister Monika sang "Alle Vögel sind schon da" and "Im Märzen der Bauer". However, the song which the audience loved best of all was "Pack die Badehose ein".

It was a great day for all.

Best regards from Ingrid Oppermann


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