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December 2011 - Nr. 12
Merry Christmas and the best of Seasons from Echo Germanica

138th Stiftungsfest in Kitchener

I cannot recall to how many of these occasions we have been. It is always a pleasure to see a tight knit group of people make a show of appreciation to its long term members and celebrate their contributions to the community and its greater good. This year was no different.

Karl & Katharina Braun Werner and Angela Schlüter
Karl & Katharina Braun Werner and Angela Schlüter
Ruth & Ernst Friedel Sybille Forster-Rentmeister, Angela Schlüter and Peter Schoepke
Ruth & Ernst Friedel Sybille Forster-Rentmeister,
Angela Schlüter and
Peter Schoepke
Danuta Grigaitis, Gunther Gawantha and Sybille
Danuta Grigaitis, Gunther Gawantha with Sybille

The format is well established, with lovely ambience, good food and drink and a lot of happy people milling about before and after the splendid dinner. Each table appears to have a host from one of the clubs directorship. Our hosts were Heidi Novak and her jovial husband, both avid supporters of the club.

Guests and hosts Guests and hosts
Guests and hosts Guests and hosts
Guests and hosts Guests and hosts
Guests and hosts Guests and hosts

Kayla Pfister, Karl Braun & Sarah FretzSarah Fretz, former Allmendinger, was the MC again, doing a splendidly well grooved in job. Miss Concordia 2010 was also at hand to assist later in handing out the commemorative needles to honour the long term members together with President Karl Braun after his passionate speech.

Flowers for the ladies by President Karl Braun Flowers for the ladies by President Karl Braun
Flowers for the ladies by President Karl Braun Flowers for the ladies by President Karl Braun
The birthday cake The birthday cake
The birthday cake The birthday cake

This year there were 25 ten year members, 14 members of 25 years, 15 members of 40 years, and 7 members of 50 years to be honoured. The naming of the newest addition of Honorary Member was postponed since the person could not be present.

10 year membership
25 year membership
25 year membership 25 year membership
25 year membership 25 year membership
25 year membership
40 year membership
40 year membership
40 year membership 40 year membership
40 year membership
50 year membership
50 year membership
50 year membership 50 year membership
50 year membership

The male Coir Concordia sang, as we expected, gloriously some of our favorite songs under the direction of Dr. Alfred Kuntz before the official part of the evening came to an end and dancing commenced until late into the night.

The Concordia Choir under Dr. Alfred Kunz
The Concordia Choirs under Dr. Alfred Kunz The Concordia Choirs under Dr. Alfred Kunz
The Concordia Choirs under Dr. Alfred Kunz The Concordia Choirs under Dr. Alfred Kunz
The Concordia Choirs under Dr. Alfred Kunz The Concordia Choirs under Dr. Alfred Kunz

This was a Club Birthday well celebrated!

Until next time

Sybille Forster-Rentmeister

Invitation to a dance by
President Karl Braun and wife Katharina
Invitation to a dance by President Karl Braun and wife Katharina Invitation to a dance by President Karl Braun and wife Katharina
Celebration with a dance
Celebration with a dance Celebration with a dance
Celebration with a dance Celebration with a dance
Celebration with a dance Celebration with a dance

Read more Sybille reports

Martini Dance

138th Stiftungsfest
in Kitchener
Email to Sybille Forster-Rentmeister
Sybille reports as a German-Canadian about culture, arts, entertainment, community events from her unique perspective as an artist.

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