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October 2001 - Nr. 10


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Sascha Lutz berichtet
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Four Generations
200 Years Newmarket
Ability School
Lulatsch 75 Years
Bucky Balls
Eco-friendly Food
Paintings returned
Scholarship Fund
2. Brief aus Kanada
3. Brief aus Kanada
Siegfried & Roy
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Dick reports...
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Ham Se det jehört?
Castles & Coziness
Spas in Germany
Gretzky & Neumann

This just in…


Four generations "Lein" were introduced to the visitors at the annual Oktoberfest on the 30th of September at the Delicatessen store on Lakeshore Boulevard.

Four generations of Lein or "Welcome, Mathew!"

Just arrived, a few days ago, was Mathew, son of Frank and Maria Lein.


As always, service with a smileHundreds of visitors had arrived during the day, many with coupons for a free Oktoberfest "Bratwurst". They enjoyed the wonderful weather and many old acquaintances.


Full house at Lein's Oktoberfest No one had to huddle inside of a tent this time, but shade was provided for the guests nevertheless while they listened to beloved German melodies, provided by D.J. Helmut Gschösser from Radio 530 AM.

Many took this opportunity to do their shopping since help in the store was plentiful and the wait short.

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