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October 2001 - Nr. 10


The Editor
Thing of the Past
Antje berichtet
Sascha Lutz berichtet
Film Fest Notes
Film Festival
Four Generations
200 Years Newmarket
Ability School
Lulatsch 75 Years
Bucky Balls
Eco-friendly Food
Paintings returned
Scholarship Fund
2. Brief aus Kanada
3. Brief aus Kanada
Siegfried & Roy
Illinois Greetings
Dick reports...
Sybille reports
Ham Se det jehört?
Castles & Coziness
Spas in Germany
Gretzky & Neumann

GS Hospitality Connections

200 Years "Newmarket"

Street dancing in Newmarket (200 Years Newmarket)The bicentennial was celebrated in Newmarket with a street festival on Main Street, where else. The street was blocked off from Millard to Timothy since 9 a.m., and all that was allowed on the street were people. Right at the entrance of the area – in the north – was Klaus Wagner, VP of the German Canadian Club promoting the Oktoberfest to the locals. I thought that was a great idea. 

Klaus Wehrenberg  (200 Years Newmarket)Klaus Wehrenberg assisted him as "organ grinder", with an original Bavarian „Leierkasten". Yes, he had a monkey too, but it was not alive, but a puppet you could stick your hand in and make it look as if it was. This greatly delighted some of the smaller children that admired the organ and tried to figure out where the music came from. Some wise kid thought he had it figured out when he mentioned to his friend that he thought he knew that there was a cassette player hidden inside. But it sure reminded me of my childhood and the "Leierkastenmann" and the pennies we wrapped in paper and threw out of the window for him. But in those days you could still buy something for pennies.

Later on Klaus also performed in front of the community centre where the Oktoberfest was held, much to the delight of the visitors.

The good old times - Typical North American (200 Years Newmarket)The west side of the street was populated with antique cars, that had been lovingly restored, some dating from 1923, and a few tractors to remind the visitors that Newmarket was basically a farming community.

Holland Landing Jamboree (200 Years Newmarket)In keeping with old-time-tradition, a stage was set up, halfway down Main Street where different performers played blue grass and country music for the visitors, hosted by the Holland Landing Jamboree group.

Letting the skirts fly - square dancing (200 Years Newmarket)Another attraction was the square dance exhibition by about 24 square dancers, right in the middle of the street. Some were dressed in Western garb others in period costumes but all did a fantastic performance for the many visitors. Some of the visitors had even brought their own folding chairs. I guess they knew what was coming.

Most of the stores were open and some of the storekeepers had taken advantage of the celebrations and displayed some of their merchandise on the sidewalks.

The mood was festive, the weather sunny, but not too warm and now Newmarket is 200 years old. I don’t think I will make it for the 300th anniversary but maybe the 225th. I’ll try anyway.

As always

Dick Altermann

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