Anniversary Celebrations– K-W’s Alpine Club – |
by Herwig Wandschneider
German Clubs in K-W are never short of a reason to celebrate something. Whether an Anniversary, President’s Ball, Kameradschaftsabend, Mayday celebrations, Arrival of Spring, Opening of a Patio, Trachtenball, the list goes on and on. With 5 German Clubs in the area, this is hardly surprising. In April, the Alpine club celebrated its 51st anniversary – the big bash was last year of course - see Echo Germanica’s May Issue 2003 on the web at (, but this year’s dinner, entertainment and dancing was just as enjoyable. Julia Poje, who proudly represented the club as Miss Alpine in 2003, passed the honours for 2004 to Stephanie Grebinski, after an eloquent speech, which reflected on her experiences and responsibilities. The Junior Alpine Dancers were as always a delight, particularly when some get flustered by the spotlights and the enthusiastic audience and the partners pull them back into line. What a pleasure to see that there is a following of the dancers to the younger ages and enthusiastic participation. Among them, for example, is young Roland Kessler, son of dance teacher Horst Kessler. Roland has surely inherited some of the assertiveness from his father as he moved confidently with the junior dance group to perform the dance routine. Always amazing is the "Maitanz" by the Alpine Dancers as the ribbons held by the dancers get organized in a precise pattern on the pole without ever getting tangled as they are intricately formed, or unformed. Dance music was provided by the "Variations", the quasi successors to Henry Vogel, who, by the way, was there with his wife to enjoy himself on the dance floor, instead of the stage. He was clearly looking forward to his planned extensive travels on the road – without engagements along the way.
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