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It hardly matters where one lives as long as every once in a while one can hear and speak one’s mother tongue. Thus it is with great interest that I went to a reading of a Swiss Poet at the Toronto Goethe Institute. Local director Dr. Arpad Soelter and the Swiss Consul General, Mr. Jean-Claude Hagmann, introduced multi award winning literary great Klaus Merz.
Klaus Merz, a former teacher read from several of his books, which were also for sale after the reading. I took home Loewen, Loewen, Venizianische Spiegelungen. Interestingly enough this book was originally not to be, as Klaus Merz related. He was simply taking a Venetian vacation and felt that everything that could be said about that place had been more than adequately covered by other minds. Lucky for us he remembered that the same could be said about love and life and anything having to do with it, which made him change his mind about not writing anything on Venice. His keen observations, sometimes poetry, sometimes prose, are little vignettes affording us a look at what he saw, and ordinary people and events take on a different and special importance. We can imagine what went through the author’s mind by the way he describes his observations and find that we are familiar with these sentiments. For instance: A singer does not just sing in the staircase of a house coloratura, instead the singer puts coloratura down (like a carpet) in the staircase and it reaches all the way to the edge of the water. "Die Engel von San Stae The angels of San Stae How descriptive! There is almost an intensity of Japanese haiku, few words, big concept. He speaks of people crossing canal bridges with the same importance as the religious procession. He notices the little things. His vignettes are like Chinese ink drawings, done with simple strokes to tell the big picture. Laotse would have been pleased. The intimate reading was well received by those that came
and went home a little richer inside, having connected with the old world in
a memorable way. Austrian SenseNothing makes more sense in celebrating a heritage than letting the senses experience first hand what is special about a place close to our hearts, and at the same time promote the skills and services that bring about such experiences.
This was a great idea, worth repeating and emulating. Photo Exhibit Explains Life in BerlinGermany and Canada have connected a long time ago. I am not even thinking about the first settlers hundreds of years ago; I am more thinking in the way of culture in my own lifetime. Growing up in Germany after the war I had no idea that ice hockey was Canada’s national sport! And when I came to live here in 1968 I thought that Canada had gotten hockey from us…. How arrogant was that? (I had to do away with a few misconceptions like that.) Photo exhibits have always been a way to share experiences. The old adage that a picture tells a thousand words is so true. Walking through the Queen’s Quay Gallery at Harbour Front will give you a great example on how true it really is. Here we have the largest photo exhibit to date coming from Germany to Canada. The show depicts life during the period of the wall, not the wall itself, but what life was like during those many decades of cold war. While "Good Bye Lenin" is running in a Toronto movie house, recreating a pre-wall-fall East Germany for a dying mother, here we see the perceptions of a half a dozen photographers and their impressions of Berlin, a city cut off from the crossroads of the world. That does hit home, does go under the skin, even though we might not agree with some of the explanations of the artists. They too explain something of those times and ideologies of that clean yet neglected place. The words that come to mind are "aufgeraeumt" - put into order, "leer"- empty, not just because of the apparent lack of people, but because there were all those other invisible walls, rules, regulations, codes of behaviour.
Back to AntiquityThere has hardly been a girl that I have known, who did not wonder what it would have been like to be Cleopatra or another one of those fabled Egyptian queens. I for my part never miss an opportunity to check out old mummies and their paraphernalia, some of which is extremely interesting. The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) in Toronto has just now the most fabulous Egyptian exhibit on loan from England. In the midst of renovations and extensions the centre and core of the museum is still dominated by the most humongous totem poles I have ever seen. Not far from them starts the exhibit of eternal kings. Go check it out for yourself. You will not be sorry. How I felt about the exhibit, and how I "connected" read my poem "Behind". It was an enriching experience. Until next time Sybille Forster-Rentmeister Comments to: sfr@echoworld.com |
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