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Letter from the Editor |
Dear Reader I am soooooo tempted to make a comment about the political system, the elections, who won, and what we can expect, and why, and so on and so forth, but I am refraining myself. Instead I am turning once again to what I believe is the only worthwhile endeavour: the arts and their value in the field of aesthetics and truth, their contribution in enhancing our endurance in life, and their ability to keep us sane in the face of adversity. Time and time again I see people blossom that do not even like the "classics" in music, yet when they are being exposed to this genre they beam and generally express how happy they are. This phenomenon of happiness after the consumption of art deserves a closer look. Our German roots supplied us with much of the basic components. Being hailed as the people of poets and thinkers (das Volk der Dichter und Denker) with centuries of creative activities, even remote citizens have enjoyed some form of artistic culture. It is natural for farmers and physicists alike to recall a classic poem, a musical passage, a painting or engraving. We recognise and are familiar with the joy of song and know a ditty or two for any situation in life. Our culture is packed with the appreciation of well-made things and artefacts; we set quality very high on our scale of necessities for life. The opposite invites a frown from us. We appreciate when someone has conquered the secrets to making something well and encourage the study and practise of such things; not only that, we actually admire people with such skills. In the artistic arena we especially enjoy the creativity of others when it has an entertainment value. In our hectic times we require a respite to resurrect us periodically from being fried by the non-stop demands for excellence in our own fields of endeavour. Survival is a strenuous game these times, but probably always has been, and that is also a reason why we always have looked for the all-important balance to artists and what they create. We rely on their desire to make the world a better place. Their creative skills and instincts, their motivation and purpose serve us well and we should truly be grateful for their talents and generosity. But we should not only use their offerings to prop us up and to enjoy what was created for our benefit, but also help them to be able to do this all-important work. H. D. Thoreau said: "When I hear music, I fear no danger, I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times and to the latest." That appears a good reason to support musical endeavour and explains why people are so happy when they connect with music. It is a fact that there are people that can and do create, and then there are those folks that like to disrupt and destroy. And even though the latter are much fewer in numbers, probably just a couple of percentage points, those few can create havoc, as we have seen happen in the history of mankind time and time again. Ooops, must be careful or else this becomes a political comment.
An affirmation of life, a better life, by celebrating the arts with the artists, is called for at all times. In my experience they are a more reliable source of joy than politics, and they are the best mood enhancers money can buy! Thus I hope to see you at this or that event. My secret tip: The Opera York Annual Gala Fund Raiser. They are going to silently auction off about 100 pieces of Swarovsky crystal. Consult the ad for more detail. Next when I will write to you we will have finely moved the house and the office…I hope! I also hope that will not be the only good thing I have to report you. Until then! Sybille Forster-Rentmeister
Comments to: editor@echoworld.com |
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