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March, 2005 - Nr. 3


The Editor
Returning of Spring
Happy Easter
Rachel Seilern
Vienna Connection
From The Locker Room
Zurich Connection
An Ostern wohin?
Dear Mom
The Youth Forum
K-W & Beyond
Ball Austria 2005
Schwaben Anniversary
Klaus Woerner Remembered
17. Filmschau
Truffles at Cheese Boutique
Dick reports...
Sybille reports
Ham Se det jehört?
Naka Health Letter
Toronto's Music
TSO April Events
Toronto's Aerospace Museum
Jobs for Youth
Richter Exhibition
Ägyptisches Museum
Aschermittwoch der Künstler
German camp "Waldsee"
Dresden Against Far Right
Premiere of Pompeii
The Final Days
Spring your Home to Life
Ontario Greenspace
Greenbelt Backgrounder

Happy Easter

by Gwen Stuber

Easter greetings and best wishes,
Parades, marching bands and great food dishes.
Roasted turkeys and glazed golden hams,
Mashed potatoes and sweet yams.
Tasty cherry and apple pies.
The sound of children’s delightful cries.
Love and joy fills our heart.
The much anticipated egg hunt is about to start.
A little intrigue to the day this lends,
A Happy Easter to family, neighbours and friends

Copyright ©2005 Gwen Stuber

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