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Former Ontario Human Rights Commissioner, Immam Abdul Hai Patel recently spoke out on November 26th, to plead for a stop to gun violence and drugs. He was speaking at a street festival organized by the Drug-Free Marshals, a youth-driven initiative sponsored by the Church of Scientology of Toronto. Immam Patel was not alone in getting out a message to young people. Other faith leaders and celebrities, and key speaker Member of Parliament Derek Lee joined him. Mr. Lee said "We all know the scourge of drug dependency - the taking of illegal drugs and this is a very serious issue for our youth. And the Drug-Free Marshals have learned a whole lot about this social problem and they are part of the solution, because the simplest and easy way to avoid the problem of illegal drug taking is just to say ‘No’." November 26, 2005 marked the 17th anniversary of this annual Christmas celebration by the Drug-Free Marshals. Youth celebrated the holiday season through songs and performances, visited Santa, played games and took a pledge to be drug-free. Kids were encouraged to enter an essay contest to say why they want a drug-free community, with prizes awarded for ages 6 to 16. In a letter of congratulations, Toronto Mayor David Miller, on behalf of city council, noted, "Occasions such as this help us to celebrate the holiday season more meaningfully." Public Affairs Director for the Church of Scientology of Toronto, Mrs. Pat Felske, acknowledged the support of local downtown businesses, community associations, faith leaders, municipal, police and fire departments for the festival. "For 17 years, the Drug-Free Marshals have been educating kids on the harmful effects of drugs and providing a peer group to support them in their decision to say "No" to drugs. With escalating violence in our communities, which can be linked to illicit drug use, the Drug-Free Marshals provide commendable role models for all our youth." Humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard has said: "The acceleration of widespread use of drugs such as LSD, heroin, cocaine, "angel dust", marijuana and a long list of others has contributed heavily to a debilitated society." To learn more about the Drug-Free Marshals program and how to start an anti-drug group in your community, contact Drug-Free Marshals Coordinator, Melanie Dickson, at 416- 925-1779. Caption for Contest Winner photo: "Drug-Free Marshals role model Olivia Wilkens won 1st Prize in the Essay Contest at the 17th Annual Drug-Free Marshals Christmas Street Festival. Caption for photo of 3 Elves: Elves Naomi Prendergast, Miranda Scambia and Sophie Pateroupoulos assisted Santa at the 17th Annual Drug-Free Marshals Christmas Street Festival, held recently in downtown Toronto.
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