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December 2010 - Nr. 12
Merry Christmas and the best of Seasons from Echo Germanica

Advent Carolling

On the same day as the "Kinderbescherung" in the Danube Swabian Club in Scarborough the Hansa Club in Brampton invited to a program of carolling and poetry.

The Hansa Choir Brampton under the direction of Dieter Wütherich
The Hansa Choir Brampton under the direction by Dieter Wütherich The Hansa Choir Brampton under the direction by Dieter Wütherich
The Hansa Choir Brampton under the direction by Dieter Wütherich The Hansa Choir Brampton under the direction by Dieter Wütherich

The tables were set with a variety of home baked cookies to please the many families that had come to participate in this communal activity. Classic German Christmas songs were interspersed with well-known poems, delivered by the Hansa Choir members.

Dieter Wütherich the conductor... ...and the pianist
Dieter Wütherich the conductor... ...and the pianist

Dieter Wuetherich lead the choir in song and it has to be noted that the choir has made remarkable improvements under his firm and loving leadership.

Included were readings of Advent and Christmas poems Included were readings of Advent and Christmas poems
Included were readings of Advent and Christmas poems Included were readings of Advent and Christmas poems

It is hard to tear oneself away from such heart-warming activities, but all good things come eventually to an end. The Hansa Club has its children Christmas Party on the 12th of December. That is something to look forward to.

Audience and carollers alike Audience and carollers alike
Audience and carollers alike Audience and carollers alike

Have a very merry Christmas one and all!

Sybille Forster-Rentmeister

Christmas Markets

Advent with the Canadian Austrian Society

Kinderbescherung at the Danube Swabian Club

Advent Carolling

Christmas Markets
Email to Sybille Forster-Rentmeister
Sybille reports as a German-Canadian about culture, arts, entertainment, community events from her unique perspective as an artist.

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