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December 2010 - Nr. 12
Merry Christmas and the best of Seasons from Echo Germanica

The first concert of Via Salzburg’s season was amazing as usual. We have come to expect unusual programs and were not disappointed. While the choices were not unusual as far as the composers were concerned, who does not know Johannes Brahms and Robert Schumann, the presentation of these mega superstar composers was most unusual. In fact it was like a theatrical production, a biographical work of both men one might say.

Extraordinary actor Colin Fox narrated a script written by Steven Isserlins, who stitched together a tapestry of not so much known stories about the life of Brahms and Schumann and how they interacted with each other or next to each other. Invariably the narrative would lead to a concert piece, always under the heading of “…and the greatest of these is love”.

The tragic story of Robert Schumann and his love for his wife Clara, his admiration for Brahms, and the unrequited love Brahms felt for Clara, especially after Schumann slipped away into the dark crevices of his mind, were illustrated by various pieces of music by the three composers, which include Clara’s Romance in A Minor for Piano.

Anne Grimme spoke some immortal words and sang “Gebet” from Lieder- OP 135, no 8, and from Liederabend fuer die Jugend, accompanied by Yoval Fichman’s brilliant piano renditions.

There was a Scherzo for violin and piano by Brahms that gave great opportunity for Mayumi Seiler’s virtuosity.

There was a Brahms piano quartet piece and in the end a Quartet in C Minor with Rachel Mercer, cello, Naomi Seiler, viola, Mayumi Seiler, violin and of course Yuval Fichman on the piano.

It was a glorious evening and a wonderful start to an exciting new season for Via Salzburg.

On December 16 and 17 the voices of children from the Regent Park School of Music join the chamber orchestra to celebrate the season. Purchase your tickets at 416-872-4255 or go to to find out more.

Messiah with Tafelmusik

There are many offerings of the season’s bestseller of all times, an evergreen that has no equal, the Messiah by Handel. There will be 2 performances at St. Pauls Trinity Centre, conducted by Ivars Taurin, and then one performance of the sing-along Messiah with “Maestro Handel” and a fabulous cast of voices: Christine Brandes , soprano, Daniel Taylor, countertenor, Rufus Mueller, tenor, and Brett Poligato, baritone. For more information, also on upcoming Bach concerts next year, go to

Via Salzburg brings unique musical entertainment, world reknown artists, string orchestra, innovative compositions, rare instruments, chamber music.

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