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 January 2009 - Nr. 1
Happy New Year from Echo Germanica

"Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing."

This old saying is a very stable datum in our society, and since we live in a democracy, or chose to live in one, we also ask for the right to have choices. These choices have been eroded over time in many areas, the most persistent being the choice with what and how we treat our bodies.

In some European countries many restrictions as to products and dosage has been instituted on the good advice and after much lobbying by the huge pharmaceutical companies. They do not like to see other entities competing besides them, especially the natural varieties, because they are not allowed to monopolize a natural substance.

They cannot claim anything for inventing such a substance, since it already exist, they cannot get research grants for finding it and only if they alter it beyond recognition can they claim rights to the substance they concocted, by which time it likely has no resemblance to its natural state nor will it always have the same properties for healing.

And while it has to be said that pharmaceutical drugs have their place in medicinal treatments, it has also been said that the pharma industry is only interested in selling drugs that camouflage the symptoms they claim to treat, that they do not desire to succeed in curing anyone, so that they may keep profiting from their products.

The industry is spending huge amounts of money to lobby governments which are always in need of funds for projects the rest of us might not need. They also shut down class action suits with huge amounts of money so the public cannot learn about the charges that have been levied against them.

If the pharma industry has their way you soon will not be able to go into your favorite health food store and buy any of the natural substances you know help you handle all sorts of everyday type symptoms that indicate non optimum functioning of your body.

Your naturopath will not be able to prescribe any number of the many alternative substances anymore that he knows will help you overcome your bodies difficulty with something.

Already hundreds of items you have known from your childhood have disappeared from the shelves, and if you ask in the drug mart why, the answer is that there was not enough demand for it.

The truth is that pharma industries have managed to lobby regulating bodies into legislating items out of the mix, simply on the pharma industry’s say so. By the same token drugs are admitted at a much too fast rate, also on the say so - often without proof - of same vested interest.

Bill C-51 is a bill that will take all our rights to freedom of choice in regards to our health away from us. We, as a people should not allow that. The people interested in preserving it have done already a lot of work to prepare the way to handle the situation permanently. Because of the election last year the Bill could not be passed, but if the current government stays in the driver’s seat it will rear its ugly head again. Alternative Health industry experts and human rights specialist have prepared a Charter of Health Freedom that will separate alternative health products from the laws governing the drug industry, where such crazy ideas as classifying vitamins as drugs have already been perpetrated.

Please inform yourself of your rights and what it is all about at You can download your own copy there. You also learn more at, the Natural Health Products Protection Association site.

I urge you to get involved by informing yourself and by signing the petition you find also on the site. It might be one of the most important things you have ever done! After all, it is your body and health does matter!

To your Health and prosperity in the New Year

Sybille Forster-Rentmeister

Email to Sybille Forster-Rentmeister
Sybille reports as a German-Canadian about culture, arts, entertainment, community events from her unique perspective as an artist

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